Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Oprah asked about Karma, this is what I wrote her:

Karma, Cause and Effect, Law of Attraction all have one basis, what you put in is what you get out. I believe the biggest misconception at this time is that it doesn't pertain to everything we do. I know this is not true, every thought we think, every feeling we have, every dislike we declare, every happy song we sing, has an effect on everything we see. Though I once believed in Karma I have come to understand that the description of Karma is not accurate. Karma says if we were "bad" or "mean" for the first 20years of our adult life, then things to come will be of the same essence no matter how you have changed. I know that this is not the case. I believe your point of attraction is moment to moment. I know that if you make a change in your life, your whole life changes and the so called Karmic debt for past wrong doing is not to be feared, for your attraction is on a deeper level and is in the moment, not of the past. When you change your thoughts and live in joy there is no debt to be paid, there is only what the new doors have opened. Debt for past wrongs only stay with you if you, yourself can not let the guilt of past ignorance go. The truth of what is to come is held in the small moments of our day, not in the mistakes of the past, but in the hope of the future.

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