Friday, January 27, 2012

Live Blog 1-27-12

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

4-7-8 Breathing Technique

This is a simple way to relieve symptoms of stress whenever meditation can't fit in. Breathe in to a count of 4, hold to a count of 7, and breathe out to a count of 8, repeat this 4 times. If you do not use breathing techniques often, you may feel a bit light headed. Do not do this while driving, when first beginning. For more explination or to have me guided you through a  4-7-8 breathing cycle visit my channel Love the Process

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Life is Fun

 A little movie I made for me and to share with you, Have fun!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Invoke an act of kindness today, by being kind. Invoke a smile today, by smiling. Invoke a loving gesture, by giving love. ~ Occupy Peace, R.L.A. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Vibration and Energy

If you are into science at all you may have heard of the quantum field. I will basically state it in terms that I understand it from. Quantum Physics states that there is only a personal point of reference and nothing else.  When we are not directly looking at an object it is actually in more then one place at a time, the moment we try to observe it, it becomes stationary. The act of observation in itself is a personal perception that actually effects the world as we see it. I have always enjoyed science and with this well known, but not well talked of theory would explain for so much. How can two children in the same home be so very different, even recall the same situation in different ways? Something I always wondered personally as my brother and I seem to come from separate planets, yet we were raised in the same house hold with the same rules and even to a degree shared the same friends. His recollection of how we grew up is nothing like what I recall. but what if it has nothing at all to do with the outer world, it had all to do with our perception of it, and it altered us in such different ways. Now it is more clear to me how we could be in the same home and seeing very different things. I use to think one of us must be crazy, now I understand we are actually both right. If we take this out in tot he world with us we can better understand that we actually can't understand each other in any sense nor can we say things are right or wrong for anyone, our perception makes it impossible to see a situation from an unbiased view point when our view point is what arranges what we see, all the way down to the smallest molecule. So with this new awareness you can find a reason to make all things make you feel good, seeing everything else forms based on your personal energy and focus. The power of your attention is only just beginning to be understood. 

Friday, January 13, 2012

Meditation is Brain Surgery

A recent study site's meditation restructures the brain's ability to respond to stress. The amazing results showed as little as 5 hours over 5 weeks can make a measurable difference. Committing as little as 15 minutes every day to focus on your breathing can change your mood and stress levels. The studies are still limited to the overall health effects but the science so far shows signs of reduced stress levels, strengthened neurological connections and even thickening of the brain tissue, which reduces chances for Alzheimer and Dementia. Both heart and stroke can be induced by high stress, over extended periods of time. It is easy to see that reducing your stress response can also diminish chances of stress related illness, which can be as minor as how long your cold lasts to things as sever as a life ending heart attack. Meditation is not only changing your neurological pathways and thickening you brain tissue it is adding precious, quality time to your life and it doesn't cost a penny.

 As a beginner it is helpful to find a quiet place, turn of distractions and pick a calm back round music if you desire. Incense is also a know stress reducer and may help you relax for deeper meditations. Take some deep breaths in and slowly allowing them out. Do your best to keep your focus on your breath. If you find your mind wondering, acknowledge the thought and let it go. In the beginning this may be often, but within a short period of time you will find yourself staying focused for long periods of time.

 A wonderful tip if your feeling stress and can not take time out for meditation using a simple, effective breathing technique. A favorite of mine is the 4-7-8 breath count. I would not suggest this while driving until you know how you will feel. The process is take a breath in to the count of 4, hold your breath to a count of 7 and release your breath tot a count of 8. Repeat these steps four times, no more in the beginning, this will have an immediate effect and you may feel a bit  lightheaded in the beginning as this is a wonderful deep breathing exerciser.  I use this often, especially when I am to busy to stop for a meditation but need more clarity. With regular meditation and this breathing technique you will find with time you will be able to call upon the feeling of calmness that comes with a deep meditation at will.

Moyer, C. A. et al. (2011). Frontal Electroencephalographic Asymmetry Associated With Positive Emotion Is Produced by Very Brief Meditation Training. Psychological Science.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Breathing Meditation

I would like to talk about breathing, did you know that if you breath out and in you place the pause in the cycle after breathing in, allowing more oxygen into your blood stream, also it allows you to put emphasis on breathing out, which allows more toxins out and room for the fresh air in. Try breathing out and in instead of in and out for 5mins and notice the difference. Some have brought to my attention they had never before noticed the slight pause usually placed before we take our next breath in. Take some time to notice your normal breathing habits. Through out your day take a moment to notice, and then use this technique. The more often you take time to do this the more often you will find your are starting to do it naturally.  

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Oprah asked about Karma, this is what I wrote her:

Karma, Cause and Effect, Law of Attraction all have one basis, what you put in is what you get out. I believe the biggest misconception at this time is that it doesn't pertain to everything we do. I know this is not true, every thought we think, every feeling we have, every dislike we declare, every happy song we sing, has an effect on everything we see. Though I once believed in Karma I have come to understand that the description of Karma is not accurate. Karma says if we were "bad" or "mean" for the first 20years of our adult life, then things to come will be of the same essence no matter how you have changed. I know that this is not the case. I believe your point of attraction is moment to moment. I know that if you make a change in your life, your whole life changes and the so called Karmic debt for past wrong doing is not to be feared, for your attraction is on a deeper level and is in the moment, not of the past. When you change your thoughts and live in joy there is no debt to be paid, there is only what the new doors have opened. Debt for past wrongs only stay with you if you, yourself can not let the guilt of past ignorance go. The truth of what is to come is held in the small moments of our day, not in the mistakes of the past, but in the hope of the future.