I will use a dramatic personal experience with worry to explain it more clearly. My son began walking up the stairs at 16 months and he was getting very good at it. I for the most part did my very best with not worrying and allowing his to explore and learn how to use his body. In the very beginning I was always behind him but once he was sturdy, about two weeks after this began, I would let him go unassisted up and down. It was all he would do for an hour at a time. Crawl up, slide down slowly on his butt. One day I am getting ready for work. He is crawling up the stairs and I thought I saw him start to loose his balance and I gasped, which caused him to look up quickly at me and he then lost his balance. He tumbled down 5 stairs and I went running, knowing the whole time that my worry created that.
When we really start to pay attention to what we give attention to you will find this occurs with anything you think. To keep your children from harm think of something else, if you can't stop thinking about the provability of a situation then at least send it a form of clearing. Some of my favorites and most beneficial to me are EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Ho'oponopono, Affirmations with breathing to relax and calm. Reading is also a great distraction especially if it is Law of Attraction Based or your form of spiritual teachings, they help us remember that what we think we create, what we worry about, increase and what we fight against, creates fuel for the flames.
Do your children, family and friends a huge favor and don't worry about them! The best you can do is better then not doing it at all. Even after all these years of knowing this I find I have to remind myself, it becomes less and less often though and very worth your health and theirs.
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