Saturday, March 17, 2012

There are so Many ways to Shift your Day

There seems to be almost an endless amount of techniques that can help you refocus and release old patterns. You could quite literally fill your day just with practices and never have a moment for anything else. So how do we figure out how to pick what to use ? What are some of these techniques?  The first question actually has a very simple answer. You pick techniques that feel good to you, that you enjoy doing, and that make you feel more connected with your true self. No big secrets, no right or wrong, no one fits all method here.

Now for our second question, what are some of these techniques, let's start with a well know, well researched technique, Meditation. Meditation is the act of quieting the mind and allowing stillness. Some find meditation to be effective when holding a single thought or tone. Others will meditate by focusing on an image, usually a Mandala, and allow all else within the awareness to drop away. There are also guided meditations which bring you through a journey or into a higher level of awareness. Yet still others meditate by focusing solely on their breath. Meditation is highly personal and you should chose a practice that you enjoy and feel comfortable doing. The studies show there are amazing health benefits to regular meditation. Daily meditation for as little as 15 minutes will change your body's stress level naturally. Prolonged benefits of meditation include reduced risk of heart related illness and stroke. There are also more recent studies showing that most mental illness can be reduced or eliminated will a daily meditation practice.  Children with ADHA or ADD have shown a significant improvement, also children with Aspergers have had wonderful results with a daily dose of meditation. Though often overlooked, meditation seems to be an amazing natural way to reduce stress, relieve anxiety and improve mental health conditions. There of course are more spiritual reasons you may also chose to use this practice. Many spiritual teaching explain this to be similar to a form of pray, only with no actual request, it is simple to become quiet and allow spirit, god, or source to become integrated with your soul. Some have found during meditation that they find answers to troubling question, or become inspired to an action that changes their life in amazing ways. No matter what your reason meditation is a wonderful exercise to shift your day!

The next shifting tool I would like to talk about is affirmations. Affirmations are statements written or spoken stating a goal as if it has already arrived. For example if you are not in a perfect state of health and would prefer to be, you could being an affirmation "My body is healthy and Vibrate, I Love and appreciate myself.". What if you feel a lack of resources or a money challenge, your affirmation might be " My Life is filled with abundance and it keeps on growing." . The words are important to a degree, you want to keep it completely positive, no room for don't and wants here! There is a second piece to affirmations, how you feel when you say or write them. The feeling your having is directly correlated to it's ability to manifest. in your life. Do not worry,with practice this will begin to feel natural and comfortable for you, and once you have hit the point of believing it as you say it you have it! What if you feel like you just can't believe this, here is a wonderful tip. Take a few minutes to first remember an awesome moment in your life, a comment that made you feel great, a friend that always makes you laugh, Allow yourself to feel the energy of that moment and enjoy that moment as if you were in it. Now that your feeling wonderful get to writing your affirmation down or saying it in the mirror to yourself. This time you will be able to feel that great energy you were thinking about a moment ago and use that to feel your way through your statements in this fun, loving energy. With in a short amount of time you will be able to feel this energy with the same statement as you align with the awesome energy your holding for yourself.

Shift tool number three is to change your mind chatter. Most of us never even take time to notice the inner conversation going on but we are all having them often. First take a day to watch how you talk to yourself, are you disapproving of yourself, your decisions and actions? Do you often find problems every where you go, always running late and feeling bad about it, can't get your mind off the co-worker that drives you nuts, hate traffic, lines, bills, gas prices! Watch your thoughts, those things are powerful and creative!  Often when we fist take notice of the direction our thoughts primarily go we are almost shocked. We don't really talk very nice to ourselves, about ourselves and our situations we find ourselves in. So now it is time to make a change, this takes time effort and dedication. If you have worked with the first two tools this will be much easier for you! Now when you hear yourself say I don't have enough money you can change it, even if it is just in your mind, even use your affirmation any time you hear such talk coming from with in. Every time you step in the mirror take note of something, anything you like about yourself. Ignore and replace anything negative with a positive statement. When your standing in line find something to appreciate in the room or out the window. Let's face it if were stuck in traffic all the complaining in the world wont make it go away, but we can use that time for something fun, call a friend, find a good song, take some meditative breaths, enjoy the sun shine. There really are many things we can find to appreciate once we decide to take time to find them.

This list of tools will continue and my guess is there will always be more to add. This is a great starting point and will surely keep you on your toes as you make a conscious choice to add these new tools to your daily life. To find other tips, and breathing exercises, take a moment to look through the main page. Please fee; free to ask questions and provide feedback on your experiences using these methods! ~ Love the Process

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