Saturday, March 24, 2012

Ho'opoonopono Clearing Water

Ho'oponopono, as taught by Dr. Hew Len is the process of clearing old "data" to allow room for divine energy. The simple process of self clearing has been explained in other articles, but today I would like to touch on clearing water. After watching a two day full seminar hosted by Dr. Hew Len I was ecstatic to say the least. This two day seminar has since been removed from the web, and my divine timing allowed me to watch this full seminar for free, though to actually attend the seminar would have been well over 1,000 dollars.

The explanation of clearing water was simple to the point and, as I have found, very beneficial. Dr. Len explained that during his regular clearing he had been directed on how to make water with the powerful clearing effect. It was simple, take a blue glass bottle, any shade of blue is suitable, and a cap made of anything but metal and fill it with tap water. He explains that he does not know why bottle water is not to be used and he is simply going with the directions given to him. After filling this bottle with water place the cap on, you can chose to say the Ho'oponopono at this time but it is not necessary. Place this bottle in the Sun for 15 minutes to 1 hour. At this point you have made your own clearing water.

The uses for clearing water are seemingly endless. You may drink it as is, or if your prefer add a drop to your regular bottled water. Add a drop to your pets water, plants, bath water, even cooking water, before or after it's boiled makes no difference.  You can add a drop of this water to anything that would not be harmed by adding water. Yes even your lotions, perfume, or lipstick can withstand a drop of clearing water.

 The benefits also seem as endless as the uses. Clearing water is used as an extra clearing tool, just as you can train your home to be a clearing tool, you can use your water as a clearing tool. When you add the clearing water, your are allowing it to infuse with the contents you have placed it in. At the moment of infusion your allowing the residual energy to be cleared. The benefits of clearing residual energy are endless, as any number of effects can now take place. You will be clearing such a vast number of unknown energy's that effects range from clearing of health issues to making more money. As you use any clearing tool, you may never know exactly what has been cleared and also what new can come of it.

I have found with the use of clearing water that my relationship with my partner has grown stronger, my health has improved as well as my energy levels. My family and friends have also enjoyed clearing water with an array of side effects from new job offers, to extra money flowing, to leaving unhealthy relationships. There have been some amazing stories around the use of clearing water, and I highly recommend trying it out for yourself! Do you have an experience with clearing water, please share!

Are you thinking of purchasing a blue glass bottle online, then check out our site, all of our bottles are very competitively priced, include a small Ho'oponopono Clearing water Guide and include a glass dropper to add a drop to anything you like. Check them out in the Offered Service area of our main website. ~ Love the Process

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