Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Clearing - Some effects you should know about

Clearing techniques are a beautiful way to get in balance, reduce stress effects on the body, and allow room to grow. There are many forms of clearing, some of which I have spoken about in detail through out this blog. Even a prayer can be a form of clearing, and many of us unknowingly ask for clearings every day with simple statements like, "God give me the strength to..." Or  "Help me please". When we think, say or feel these and other statements we are asking for something to change or assistance and guidance, this is a method of clearing. Some other more specific clearings are Reiki, Ho'oponopono, Message, Prayer, Meditation, breath exercises and so much more.  But there is an aspect of clearing that is not often spoken of.

When we receive a clearing at first it may not seem as though anything at all has happened. You may still feel the heaviness of what is in your present circumstance. There may be an awareness that things are shifting, but not necessarily at a pace your hoping for. In the coming hours, days or weeks there are some things that may show up in your experience that feel like as if the issue may have amplified. You may come down with feelings of a cold or flu. The condition your asking to clear may have a flare up or you could become emotional whether it is laughing for seemingly no reason or crying with that same feeling of no reason. These are actually very good signs, even if in the moment they feel otherwise.

When these clearing side effects show up they are a signal to you that a shift is occurring. When your vibration is shifting and can manifest on your body as a cold, itching, or aches. This is a releasing of old vibration, as your body acclimates to your new vibration it is common for something to show up they may seem counter productive. The same may happen on the emotional level which is why you may find yourself in a laughing or crying fit. Getting through this process may take only minutes or a few days. Some may even find that they never have a physical condition occur. It deeply depends on you and your vibration, how deeply it is with in you and also depends on your readiness to let it all go.

Not to worry, this effect lasts for a very short time. When your shift has occurred within your vibration you will often feel better then ever, once the cold or crying symptoms have stopped. You may feel a new lightness around the area you were clearing or less anxiety around a thought that once made you anxious. The clearing of old energy and shifting to your new awareness is a process and the more you enjoy and appreciate the process, the more clear your shift will be.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Ho'opoonopono Clearing Water

Ho'oponopono, as taught by Dr. Hew Len is the process of clearing old "data" to allow room for divine energy. The simple process of self clearing has been explained in other articles, but today I would like to touch on clearing water. After watching a two day full seminar hosted by Dr. Hew Len I was ecstatic to say the least. This two day seminar has since been removed from the web, and my divine timing allowed me to watch this full seminar for free, though to actually attend the seminar would have been well over 1,000 dollars.

The explanation of clearing water was simple to the point and, as I have found, very beneficial. Dr. Len explained that during his regular clearing he had been directed on how to make water with the powerful clearing effect. It was simple, take a blue glass bottle, any shade of blue is suitable, and a cap made of anything but metal and fill it with tap water. He explains that he does not know why bottle water is not to be used and he is simply going with the directions given to him. After filling this bottle with water place the cap on, you can chose to say the Ho'oponopono at this time but it is not necessary. Place this bottle in the Sun for 15 minutes to 1 hour. At this point you have made your own clearing water.

The uses for clearing water are seemingly endless. You may drink it as is, or if your prefer add a drop to your regular bottled water. Add a drop to your pets water, plants, bath water, even cooking water, before or after it's boiled makes no difference.  You can add a drop of this water to anything that would not be harmed by adding water. Yes even your lotions, perfume, or lipstick can withstand a drop of clearing water.

 The benefits also seem as endless as the uses. Clearing water is used as an extra clearing tool, just as you can train your home to be a clearing tool, you can use your water as a clearing tool. When you add the clearing water, your are allowing it to infuse with the contents you have placed it in. At the moment of infusion your allowing the residual energy to be cleared. The benefits of clearing residual energy are endless, as any number of effects can now take place. You will be clearing such a vast number of unknown energy's that effects range from clearing of health issues to making more money. As you use any clearing tool, you may never know exactly what has been cleared and also what new can come of it.

I have found with the use of clearing water that my relationship with my partner has grown stronger, my health has improved as well as my energy levels. My family and friends have also enjoyed clearing water with an array of side effects from new job offers, to extra money flowing, to leaving unhealthy relationships. There have been some amazing stories around the use of clearing water, and I highly recommend trying it out for yourself! Do you have an experience with clearing water, please share!

Are you thinking of purchasing a blue glass bottle online, then check out our site, all of our bottles are very competitively priced, include a small Ho'oponopono Clearing water Guide and include a glass dropper to add a drop to anything you like. Check them out in the Offered Service area of our main website. ~ Love the Process

The process of Enlightenment

At the beginning of my spiritual quest I had no intention to become enlightened nor did I understand what that even meant. Yet know after 15 years I am beginning to understand things in the light of what spiritual teachers teach. My questions of the world started at age 13, and amazingly life changing event caused a burning question, who had my grandmother prayed to all her life and where is she now? My search started within her own religion, she was Catholic. I quickly found I had many questions for which I could not see answers within the Bible, Sunday School taught me to listen well, question little and obey. Well that was my experience of it and I did not enjoy it one bit. It felt all together wrong to me and the open ended answer of Heaven and God, a man which both Loved and punished you made no sense to my now 14 year old mind. It is written in scriptures: “Be ye perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” When I asked what this meant, follow the commandments was the resounding answer. I continued this quest with 2 more years of traditional church teaching moving through Baptist, Protestant, and Born again Christian churches. I found no huge difference in the teaching and knew they would also not answer my questions. After a series of seemingly coincidental events and Aunt whom I had not seen in years allowed me to stay with her for a few months during the summer, I had no idea how radical this life experience would be, but looking back I know when I started getting real answers and this was it.  My Aunt had also made a choice to learn many traditional religious ways and seemed content with her newest known answer, The Law of Attraction and Energy work. As I have studied this subject now for 13 years the answers have become clear and known to me on a level which is indescribable but I will do my best to share it with you.
There are moment I have experienced in my life which can only be described as Enlightened. These moments did not begin to occur until 7 years into my studies of meditation, energy awareness and couscous thinking. They started off very short in nature a few minutes at a time, then gradually increased to hours, days and most recently, weeks. These times are very different from my previously known awareness levels. There is a stillness in my body that has no words to describe it, a knowing of deep alignment with everything, everyone and the unknown realms. In these moment, I first began to know the pure perfection of everything. I could feel the immense energy coursing through me which belong to everything. Enlightenment is, I believe, the moment in which your able to see clearly the perfection of this world and everything within it. There is an amazing clarity in these moments of life that truly allow you to understand, deeply, what that passage,“Be ye perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”, speaks of. In these moments of clarity, I deeply understand the perfection of all things. I feel overwhelmed with Love and Peace. These moments turned into days and weeks, and this deepening of awareness is true bliss. Not a thing goes wrong and yet has nothing to do with things, it has to do with my experience of it all. It seems as though in these days, the people I spend my time with have changed but in truth it is my perception that has shifted. The world seems brighter, but it is only my deeper awareness of energy that has made it all light up. In these days the women cutting me off is as precious to me as my own son. I feel a Love that eludes words. Enlightenment I believe is this awareness, and when your are able to live in this awareness daily you are a Master of Enlightenment.

 ... the amazing truth we are all perfect, even it what feels like the most imperfect moment in our own minds, are divine by design.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Your Joy is Success

Where is your mind moment to moment? That is the turning point. In every moment of awareness you create a shift. In every moment that you hold your feeling of joy and abundance above your physical reality you create a powerful shift. The practice of creating the shift is up to you. How you create the shift is very personal. The one truth is you must have a deep desire to care first about how you feel, more then anything else. When you get in alignment with Self-Love the moment directs itself into something new. Your ability to create this shift comes from the deepening desire to feel Love and Peace within the moment. When you have stayed within this new awareness of Self-Love it manifests it's own true nature. You start to respect your intuition, you no longer doubt new idea's, you find time to follow your bliss, you allow yourself time to feel connected to everything around you. You begin to see the perfect flow of nature and energy. This shift into this new found freedom is what creates the new and exciting paths your searching for. When you stop searching and start allowing, the flow of this Self- Love expands and as you follow this expansion of you, you find all that you wanted and so much more. It takes listening to your mind chatter and letting it go, it takes quieting the mind enough to let it shine, it takes a deep knowing that there is more for you, then what you see before your eyes. When you find this place within the power of it is overwhelmingly wonderful. Everything shines with a glow of Love and the air tastes a bit sweeter. This blog is a creation of giving you idea's, tool's, resources and support because we know your Joy is your Success and we Love creating Joy in every moment. Love the Process, each time a moment comes that you would like to remind yourself of this truth that you know so well just take a breath and say Love the Process, from there you can follow your own inner guidance on how to let go and Love. Small shifts create Powerful, Loving days of Joy.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

There are so Many ways to Shift your Day

There seems to be almost an endless amount of techniques that can help you refocus and release old patterns. You could quite literally fill your day just with practices and never have a moment for anything else. So how do we figure out how to pick what to use ? What are some of these techniques?  The first question actually has a very simple answer. You pick techniques that feel good to you, that you enjoy doing, and that make you feel more connected with your true self. No big secrets, no right or wrong, no one fits all method here.

Now for our second question, what are some of these techniques, let's start with a well know, well researched technique, Meditation. Meditation is the act of quieting the mind and allowing stillness. Some find meditation to be effective when holding a single thought or tone. Others will meditate by focusing on an image, usually a Mandala, and allow all else within the awareness to drop away. There are also guided meditations which bring you through a journey or into a higher level of awareness. Yet still others meditate by focusing solely on their breath. Meditation is highly personal and you should chose a practice that you enjoy and feel comfortable doing. The studies show there are amazing health benefits to regular meditation. Daily meditation for as little as 15 minutes will change your body's stress level naturally. Prolonged benefits of meditation include reduced risk of heart related illness and stroke. There are also more recent studies showing that most mental illness can be reduced or eliminated will a daily meditation practice.  Children with ADHA or ADD have shown a significant improvement, also children with Aspergers have had wonderful results with a daily dose of meditation. Though often overlooked, meditation seems to be an amazing natural way to reduce stress, relieve anxiety and improve mental health conditions. There of course are more spiritual reasons you may also chose to use this practice. Many spiritual teaching explain this to be similar to a form of pray, only with no actual request, it is simple to become quiet and allow spirit, god, or source to become integrated with your soul. Some have found during meditation that they find answers to troubling question, or become inspired to an action that changes their life in amazing ways. No matter what your reason meditation is a wonderful exercise to shift your day!

The next shifting tool I would like to talk about is affirmations. Affirmations are statements written or spoken stating a goal as if it has already arrived. For example if you are not in a perfect state of health and would prefer to be, you could being an affirmation "My body is healthy and Vibrate, I Love and appreciate myself.". What if you feel a lack of resources or a money challenge, your affirmation might be " My Life is filled with abundance and it keeps on growing." . The words are important to a degree, you want to keep it completely positive, no room for don't and wants here! There is a second piece to affirmations, how you feel when you say or write them. The feeling your having is directly correlated to it's ability to manifest. in your life. Do not worry,with practice this will begin to feel natural and comfortable for you, and once you have hit the point of believing it as you say it you have it! What if you feel like you just can't believe this, here is a wonderful tip. Take a few minutes to first remember an awesome moment in your life, a comment that made you feel great, a friend that always makes you laugh, Allow yourself to feel the energy of that moment and enjoy that moment as if you were in it. Now that your feeling wonderful get to writing your affirmation down or saying it in the mirror to yourself. This time you will be able to feel that great energy you were thinking about a moment ago and use that to feel your way through your statements in this fun, loving energy. With in a short amount of time you will be able to feel this energy with the same statement as you align with the awesome energy your holding for yourself.

Shift tool number three is to change your mind chatter. Most of us never even take time to notice the inner conversation going on but we are all having them often. First take a day to watch how you talk to yourself, are you disapproving of yourself, your decisions and actions? Do you often find problems every where you go, always running late and feeling bad about it, can't get your mind off the co-worker that drives you nuts, hate traffic, lines, bills, gas prices! Watch your thoughts, those things are powerful and creative!  Often when we fist take notice of the direction our thoughts primarily go we are almost shocked. We don't really talk very nice to ourselves, about ourselves and our situations we find ourselves in. So now it is time to make a change, this takes time effort and dedication. If you have worked with the first two tools this will be much easier for you! Now when you hear yourself say I don't have enough money you can change it, even if it is just in your mind, even use your affirmation any time you hear such talk coming from with in. Every time you step in the mirror take note of something, anything you like about yourself. Ignore and replace anything negative with a positive statement. When your standing in line find something to appreciate in the room or out the window. Let's face it if were stuck in traffic all the complaining in the world wont make it go away, but we can use that time for something fun, call a friend, find a good song, take some meditative breaths, enjoy the sun shine. There really are many things we can find to appreciate once we decide to take time to find them.

This list of tools will continue and my guess is there will always be more to add. This is a great starting point and will surely keep you on your toes as you make a conscious choice to add these new tools to your daily life. To find other tips, and breathing exercises, take a moment to look through the main page. Please fee; free to ask questions and provide feedback on your experiences using these methods! ~ Love the Process

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Clearing up questions on Ho'oponopono

The Ho'oponopono is taking 100% responsibly for all that is within your awareness. It is knowing that all that is within your awareness is actually within you. So I will explain these statements from the full perspective of what your acknowledging when repeating Thank you, I'm Sorry, Please Forgive Me, I Love you.

Thank you - For my awareness it allows me to see what is within me, and that is why I have taken notice to this thing outside of me. I am sorry - For holding on to this for so long. Please Forgive me - For holding onto this for so long. I Love You - The wonderful inner child that is me.

Yes this is a conversation between you and you, the child within that is holding on to so much of your life. The one who is in need of being released from everything we have held onto for so long. We do not always have to be in meditation to have this conversation, we can do this anytime something or someone comes into are awareness that makes us anything other then comfortable. Remember ever second we are taking in 11 million bits of information and are consciously aware of 1%. So when we are taking 100% responsibility we are saying that all things are coming first from within before they can be brought to our awareness in our reality. And though we may not be conscious of it we would still like to heal and let it go. When we are reciting the Ho'oponopono we are allowing ourselves to let go, to be free of this data that we are storing within us. We are releasing this in an attempt to find self love and self peace. We are not trying to get rid of the problem outside of us, we are making room to see the God in everyone and to see the god we are. For we are born perfect and in the likeness of God so when we see anything other then God we have stored data on some level of our consciousness. This stored data is distorting the truth, the perfect nature of which we all are made. When we let go of this data it is to reach a point of Zero, clear truth, Inner Peace. In these moments of clarity we are able to see the God in all, and the answers to our questions are received.

Love the Process- A Journey to Awareness

It is time for me to share many simply processes I have used to lift myself from a negative situation and turn it into a peaceful moment almost instantly. I will use a simple, true explanation of something going on that I pulled myself out of. I am driving home from a wonderful day and in a moment of bliss my check engine light comes on. I had just had my car worked on and everything should be in tip top shape. For a moment I begin the process of worry, wanting to know what is wrong, maybe the mechanic made a mistake on something.  My mind started to race and then a paused, I remembered I was just feeling wonderful a moment ago...my thoughts scream back, but your car it is broken, something is wrong! I took a few breaths and though I was not ready to stop talking to myself I changed the subject a bit and thought, well I have been thinking about a new car, I like the gas mileage on this car though, we just had a great trip in this car with no issue. My ride home could have been wracked with worry, but I changed the thoughts. Of course a few minutes later my mind started thinking about the check engine light, again I took some breaths but this time focused just on my breath, and made a simple statement, I AM. I allowed for a moment to feel my higher connection. I know this is just a little something and whatever it may be is right for me at the moment. I had an hour drive home still and my boyfriend would bring it up here and there. We did agree to stop at the Auto store and use their check engine reader. The store we visit says they only allow this during daylight hours and it was already 8pm. We continued home, I thought about my day, my recent trip, my sleeping son, the awesome car that was not acting like it had an issue, I took deep breaths here and there when my mind drifted to anything unpleasant.  By the time I got home and out of the car I had not one worry. The next morning I woke to my boyfriend saying he already brought my car to have it checked and it was the gas cap, it hadn't been closed all the way. Nothing at all was wrong, not one thing. Glad I didn't ruin my day and trip and sleep over that! 

Recently, I have had a few people come into my life, or already are common in my day to day, that are almost "testing" my skills to stay me. I don't think they are really testing me as much as I am just learning how to deal with new situations. I love that I am coming to a point where I can immediately feel my disconnection and remove my resistance. I woke up on my vacation to a situation I could not understand, but I was not being spoken to very well, my first reaction was to snap back and I did for a moment. As soon as I noticed myself I walked away, and took a moment for myself. I thought for a second about what just happened, and knew the why from the other perspective, thought it still didn't make me feel better to know the why. I instead knew I know wanted to let it all go, I am on vacation, I am excited to have a great day. But I felt like crap at the second, so I was luck to have a brooke running along my cabin and I took a deep breath and instead focus on the sounds, I could feel my mind wander back to the moments before and I would just breath and think of my bigger purpose, to be present, to enjoy and to love. I reminded myself of my connection and refocused on the sounds of nature. In the first twenty minutes of going about the rest of my morning I could feel a thought creeping in and  would just take a deep breath and go back to the moment I was in, brushing my hair, making my coffee, playing with my son. Only 20 minutes and I was back to myself, the rest of the day was joyful and full of love. That moment one year ago would have kept me in bed mad all day, or not talking to that person, or just being snappy toward their comments. But not anymore my focus is much strong this time around.

I was driving almost 6 hours and the conversation from others we about cops, how bad they were, being pulled over, arrested, tickets. Now this for some people could be hard to deal with, but for me all I could do was internally laugh and think, but cops are always so nice when they pull me over, and I am a great drive so there really is no worry here, also I am in such a great place that my vibration is attracting awesome nature scenes, and so as the ride took place I would only intuition the cop conversation to point out the mountain tops, the clouds, and the foliage. It was an awesome ride both ways!

For a while now I have been taking time out multiple times a day to take a few breaths while being focused only on the breathing, after a while of doing this maybe 10 or so times a day I shifted slightly. I was ready to focus on the breath and it's connection to source, the one who is my breath, my heart beat, and my life energy. I would depending on the moment either focus on my breath or my breath and deep connection within it. It has been more effective then mediation for me as it is not something I must take time out for. I feel though that the awareness of two or three breaths to be all I need to see through source and love more often every day. I soon will add more to this, awareness of breath and focus on body areas and feeling the energy of source withing it, and as I have already started I bring this awareness back into the reality I must refocus on. The very best thing about this is it can be done anywhere, anytime and no one will ever know that you were aware of those last three breaths.

When I drink my water I always take a moment to think of my water in whatever way I would like to be nourished with it. For example if I am feeling low on energy I may think of my water, as I hold it with both hands, as energy water. I fond most often I prefer Love water, skinny water, healthy water, joyful water and I am always coming up with things in the moment and for that moment. I may sound a little odd but you will notice a taste different. I always drink Poland Spring bottled water. It use to always taste the same, but when I started thinking of what my water would be for my body, the taste changes. Love water does not taste like skinny water, nor spring water. Try this out and let me know how it goes for you!

I have many more ways to share but for now I will leave it there, hope this helps me remember even more clearly all the easy wonderful ways to lighten my energy, and yours too!  

*A quick note, I wrote this article about one year ago. I wanted to share some techniques I have used through out my process for more process and techniques please look into my other blog posts* 

Saturday, March 10, 2012

A clients Experience with Clearing

I have been doing clearings for people and have received permission to share some of their experiences
My first client asked:
"It would be helpful to clear that "not good enough" feeling, thought, insanity (not good enough to get that job, not good enough to have people want to book shows with me) that keeps rearing its head at me as of late. You could throw in limiting beliefs about money as well. Thank you, this was unexpected, have a beautiful day."

One day later I received this email: "I have experienced a major shift in attitude, and some friends of mine that own a local business have offered to let me do an openhouse of sorts at their store and I have totally realized why I want to be my own boss again and I know I will successful and am just filled with gratitude."

Two day's later I received this email from the same person: "the online daily deals business that I have been helping my partner with, has, since you started the clearing, really exploded. We have an appointment Monday with a group of people from various businesses that are wanting to run deals on our site. Yeah!"

This morning (march 10th) another person I have been working with emailed me this : " Very nice work, Rebecca! I received $5000 last night that I wasn't expecting! And the promise of the same each year for the next seven years! Thank you....I appreciate your help in clearing my false beliefs about money"

It was about 10 minuted later when I received a phone call from someone telling me they had $720 dollars for me and that they are sending it my way in a week!  

Thank you for letting me share your experiences, you know who your are.

For information on Clearing please see my blog Ho'oponopono and your Inner Child 

Ho'oponopono and Your Inner Child

The teachings of Dr. Hew Len are more then interesting. Some of you may have heard about him, he worked for a Psych Ward for the criminally insane. Dr. Hew Len first showed up in 1984 the depressed building, showing lack of care. Workers walked with their back to the wall for fear of being attacked. The isolation rooms were full and heavy medications were used. Dr. Hew Len was hired as a therapist and never actually sat down with a patient, just a patients file. He explained that all he would do is study a file, and as thoughts and emotions entered him he would use the clearing technique of Ho'oponopono to cleans the information. Thank you, I am sorry, Please Forgive Me, I Love You.

 Dr. Len explains these thoughts we and feelings we are experiencing is simply stored data. Our brain at any given time is receiving 11million bits of information, but we are only consciously aware of 1%. He explains that though we are not aware of the other 11million bits we must take responsibility in order to clear it. This is what he did with the patients, he also did this for the building, the grounds, the workers and in actuality it was all for himself. 

By 1987, the building had been fixed up and painted , the grounds were neat, the staff was happy and turnover was nearly gone. The biggest shock of all, the patients had been released, those once thought "lost causes" were now functioning in the world. The few patients that remand were transferred as the Hospital was no longer needed, and the doors closed forever. 

"Isn't it funny we are always there when the problem is" Dr. Len's comment give pause for thought. If we spend time entertaining the idea that the world is a reflection of our inner thoughts, and then go a step deeper to understand we are unconscious of over 11million bits of information per second, this could start to make more sense. Dr. Hew Len explains that this data can be anything from ancestral baggage to the women sick in China. Just as our DNA can show that a if grandmother many generations removed, starved to death your DNA will carry that information into you, and many generations after you. 

So if we are this full of data how can we try to be so specific in what we are clearing. We can't! That is what seems to keep people confused about this method of clearing. There is nothing specific other then repeating the Ho'oponopono: Thank you, I'm Sorry, Please Forgive Me, I Love you. Dr.Hew Len does explain that this should also been done at least twice daily with your Inner Child. It does not have to be formal. If you would like a more formal technique then a Breath cycle of 7 counts breathing in, hold to the count of 7,  count to 7 breathing out, hold to a count of 7 should be repeated 9 times while sitting or standing with your feat connected to the earth, for a relaxed journey to your Inner Child.   

It has been about a month since I have become dedicated to reciting the Ho'oponopono and I have had such amazing results that I started offering it to family and friends. In 5 days I have had 4 of 6 people come back with amazing story's of shifts in their lives. I have also had many shifts within my own life. After seeing the results, having the amazing feedback from friends and family I surely wanted to share it with all of you!