Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Real Answer, Why Can't We All Just Get Along!?

I often see these post's, and often have committed the same crime. It is a simple truth really, so crazy it just might work. But of course it also hasn't been instilled in us since birth, and is an old habit to break. It is more beneficial to break this habit than any other you may have, it would change the world forever. Yet even I find myself doing this bad habit through out my day.

What is it we do that could cause murders, rapes, wars, greed and starving children. This is a pretty big claim on my part I know, what in the hell could do all this and how dare I say you cause such a thing, I cause such a thing, we all cause such a thing. Actually by this point in reading you have probably done it at least once, you actually did it one way or another just by choosing to read, or not read, this article. You made a Judgement.

Well what do I really mean, lets start explaining. We see a picture of a frail mother and her near death child, what do we do. First we feel bad for them and then we hate those who may be to blame for such a thing. What energy did we send to the situation, was it love? When someone cuts us off and we get irritated or more, what did we send out, was it love? When we see a beggar on the street, what judgement to we make, is it loving. This can be asked of every situation we encounter, every second of the day, are mind is moving, it is making judgments, very quick judgments, many we barley take notice to.

Well for those of you who are aware of the energy field our heart creates, then your getting the point already. But for the rest, we are made of energy, we create our world through energy,  we create our lives through energy, a child is born into the energy field that we have created together on this planet. Our entire world is created to be the reflection of  7 Billion people and the energy the give themselves and others.

Let's really think about this, how do you treat yourself. Can you really get in front of a mirror and smile. My honest truth now is yes (most of the time), but is my moment to moment self conversation about me 100% loving? So if we speak to ourselves negatively as little or much as we do, and we judge others for all things, and let that energy also sit in our world, then you can clearly see the world we have created to date. Self hate and negative judgement for things all over the world have now brought us to this point today.

How can we change this? One thought at a time, on feeling at a time, one comment at a time. The next time you notice your thought is anything negative decided to send it some love, or replace it with a great memory. Sometimes this is easy, sometimes it is not. Love the Process is a quick 3 words that reminds you all things are possible when you send it love. The website and blog are often posts with guides to shifting you life one thought at a time. I appreciate deeply being able to share this truth with you, and I am excited to assist you in any and all ways I may. Thank you for taking a moment to become aware of the truth to how we will really all getting along.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Cure's or Band-aids

As I child and teen I had countless "unknown" Illnesses. From a young age my body could not handle milk, cheese or ice cream. I was sent to be allergy tested and found I am allergic to nothing! I has procedures and cameras with no results. I had high white cells counts that my doctor informed my mother, could cause death yet no reason for the onset nor the departure of what ever it was that ailed my body. At 15 I was told I shall never have children and will be plagued with many illnesses in my life due to a condition which has no known cure. Everything added up to be allergic to something but never knowing what that something was. Until today I am unsure of exactly what that may have been. For many years I continued life unaware of my intake and was sick on and off. I went through my early twenties engaged and having four miscarriages, now sure the doctors were right, I would never carry a child to full term. In 2006 I started to believe that maybe the food I was taking in may have something to do with it, I had no idea how deep that rabbit hole would be.

I started with deciding that soda was not in my best interest just for calorie sake, and cut it out of my diet. For a while that was my only change but I felt better. In 2007 I went through a lot of life changes and ended up in a new career. I had worked for a very wealth family for some time as a personal care attendant for their 94 yr old mother. While working for this very health conscious family I paid close attention to everything they did from what they ate to how they spoke. I learnt many things about them, and noticed how different their food choices were to my own families. I started slowly in 2008 changing my habits. In the very beginning it was slow, and sporadic. I no longer ate white bread, or bleached flour, I drank water more then anything else in my day, I allowed myself time to acclimate to a new change before adding more to it. My choice to fill my plate more so with vegetables and fruits seemed to have a large shift in my energy levels. It also improved my mood dramatically. In 2009 I had the shock of a life time, I was again pregnant! My new boyfriend was vegetarian and had a very different diet from my own. During my pregnancy I ate only his food, which was hard sometimes as I was eating things I had never experienced before. To our amazement on November 8th, 2009 our son was born healthy and happy.

Since this experience and the amazing shift in my body's well being, we have since cut out many things. We no longer eat microwaved food. That was an interesting lesson learning how to heat things that had only even been thrown in a microwave before, but with this change came more energy and more care for what we put in our bodies. We do our best to eat organic, we have not had fast food in years. We feel better then we have in a long while, we both seem to be much healthier. The process was long for we choose to take it one step at a time, our newest adventure is our juicer! Coming off the main stream diet was hard at times, and I still have urges for old habits from time to time. Actually a few months ago I followed that urge and went to a fast food place after a year or more without having such things. I was so sick to my stomach after not enjoying that meal, that since then I don't have an urge for such foods. 

For the last year we have been reformatting our diets to be a cure for our moods, energy level, and overall health. It has been an interesting journey and as our bodies feel more and more healthy we are excited for each new change. I am no longer on any form of medication, no longer sick to my stomach on an almost daily basis, have reduced headaches, have more energy for my day and feel excited to continue growing and expanding my awareness of the benefits of natures gifts.  Baby steps are wonderful, they get you somewhere!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Act 1, Scene 1, "Are you Happy"

We all have had times when making a decision was necessary for our growth and development. Often times we may hinder our own progress by over analyzing the situation. We may know what we need to do but feel overwhelmed at taking the action. Often times when we are in the midst of the situation we forget about ourselves and what is best for us, we allow the situation to have control of our emotions, we become drained or even depressed. I often find when we are allowing ourselves to think first of the others involved we become more concerned with how they will feel, or how they will handle this new change. We allow our mind to create scenes, like a play. When we do this we become anxious over the possibilities, we become drained by these scenes. Often times once we have created this play within our mind it is hard to see the light. The truth of all matters, if you are not happy you can not create anything good for anyone else.

This one truth should be the basis for all decisions. The question is, "am I happy", if the answer is no you must then ask yourself what will make you happy. The only option at this point is to make that change, if instead you dwell on possible plays that could occur from making your decision you get caught in a vibration of stagnation. Image if every person first chose happiness for themselves. We would have the ability to Love more deeply, appreciate more graciously and give freely of what we love.  When we allow ourselves to become hung up in details and "what if's" we not only drag ourselves down, but teach others that we must care more for others then we can for ourselves. When we allow our own happiness to guide us through life we brighten our own path and all those we meet along it.

Today, spend time discovering those things that will make you truly happy, and do not justify it to anyone, just go with your knowing. Set your intention to be for the highest good of all involved and follow your heart. Be at peace with your decision. "What if's" are only using your imagination to create things you do not want. Instead take time to imagine the outcome that leaves everyone in their highest place of good. When you can clearly visualize this situation working out for everyone involved, you are ready to embark upon it. If you are not clear that this is for your highest outcome, wait until you are clear. The reason this is important is you do not want to fall into regret later. Know that whatever you do is perfect, you can't get this life wrong, it is all divine in design. Now follow your bliss, and brighten your world, for when you light up your own world you brighten ours as well. ~ Love the Process

Sunday, April 1, 2012

You are Amazing

There is no question about it, you truly are amazing. There is no one just like you. It can sometimes be easy to loose yourself in the day to day running around. You sometimes may find yourself more concerned with what others are thinking of your actions, or worry about being judged. The truth is, none of that is you! You know who you are, you know you are special, you know what amazing things you offer to the world. When you forget even for a moment of this truth you may find yourself overwhelmed or anxious. In those moments it is most important to take a moment to breath and remind yourself of just how wonderful you are. Pick anything you enjoy about yourself and give your full attention to it. Do not give yourself excuses as to why your unable to at this moment. Just take a deep breath, and pick something. Stay with it as long as you can and you will find your mind will eventually natural drift to even more amazing aspects of yourself. When you are able to give yourself the true Love you desire you will find it showing up all around you, from people to events the Love will be there.  So who are you, besides the amazing light of Love, the creator of your bliss, the creator of your joy, explore your heart and find the deep Love for your true self. You are absolutely amazing and don't let yourself ever forget that fact! ~Love the Process