Tuesday, August 28, 2012

You are God

I am God, you are God, we are God. But I am not your God, and you are not my God, yet we are God. This truth has been reviled  to me time and time again. I am the God that creates my life, with the never ending energy given to me, and this is true for you. You are a creator, the creator of your life, your life energy is the hand of your God nature, and with this force you create anything you put your energy into, that is the magic that is you. Your a powerful being here creating that which you focus on. As above so below, your God is within you, your nature is God, your true form is energy, your skill is creating, your focused energy is your divine creation. You are God, the God of your world, your the creator drawing the canvas of your life. As you put forth your energy you add to the pool of energy for that which you have focused on. You allow Gods to use that energy to create their focus. You are part of an intricate system of energy ALL of which is God's true nature. Which energy you assist in building creates our world, your reality and the expansion of all. You need not look anywhere for the creation of your reality outside of you, for it all comes from the inner most working of your energy. Know your energy, know you focus, and be the God you were created to be!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Our Quantum Reality

Our reality isn't as solid as we perceive it, particles are waves and waves are particles. But how can a solid form be a wave, and how can a wave become solid form?  It's all in our perception! Quantum, a word we are hearing more and more these days, has become an accepted, though not very understood, part of scientific reality. Science has come to understand that the very act of observation determines whether something is perceived as a solid form or a wave.

What does this mean for us non scientific folks? Simple, thoughts are things, all energy forms are waves, and can become particles just as particles, which are things, can brake down and move back into a wave. So how can this change our reality? It already does every day, as we make observations we also create thoughts and have expectations. So when you wake up and look in the mirror you have a thought and expectation of what you will see once you look in the mirror. Quantum physics tells us if you changed your expectation long enough of what your reflection will be, then your reflection will begin to conform to your new expectation. The simple act of observation, expectation and thought actually create are particles, waves and reality. 

What is quantum physics teaching us about law of attraction? The energy we give to thought has the ability to create form, and that IS the teaching of Law of Attraction, quantum physics is now concurring with these once obscure ideas. Our collective energy creates the world as we perceive it today. Want to change the world? Change your expectation of it! Want to change your reality, spend more time contemplating what will be, then what is! 

Understanding that energy in all forms has the ability to become solid form, and all solid form has the ability to shift back into pure energy is the basis for creating your reality as you wish it to be. Look at it for what it is, and you will miss what it could be!